Wanhao i3 conversion to SKR 1.4 log

Quick Links: Introduction - Initial Planning - Disassembly - Assembly - General Firmware - Stepper Calculations - BLTouch - PID Tuning - Stock LCD - Files - Final Notes Introduction This is the placeholder for my Wanhao i3 (aka Monoprice Maker Select V2) conversion to a 32 bit board with 2209 drivers using the SKR…

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Quick pieces of software I’ve been using lately

I've been organizing and backing up phone pictures lately. I've realized I need to organize better. This could take a while. In the mean time I've moved all data to 3 different storage mediums. These programs have helped: Folder Compare and Sync: https://freefilesync.org/ Duplicate File Finder: https://www.digitalvolcano.co.uk/duplicatecleaner.html Windows Defender disabler quick and easy: https://www.sordum.org/9480/defender-control-v1-3/ Snappy Driver:  https://www.snappy-driver-installer.org/…

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List of useful software

Copied from Reddit because I found it useful.  Credit to /u/liufangi All software listed here is free. This turned out to be a community project of recommended software. Before installing software - i recommend scanning it for viruses here: https://www.virustotal.com You can check for program alternatives here: https://alternativeto.net Check my guide about simple and automated windows 10 gaming pc setup: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/7xwvco/simple_windows_10_gaming_pc_setup_from_scratch/ Check my guide about windows memory: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/81q61c/understanding_and_choosing_correct_memory_for/…

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